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[문학] 6연 참고자료


rats' alley : 쥐들의 골목길---일차대전 때 참호, 교통호의 별명
The wind under the door.

엘리엇 주The Devil's Law Case which contains the line "Is the wind in that door still?"
Those are pearls that were his eyes
 The Tempest
about a drowned person's eyes turning into pearls.

Shakespearean Rag
 a popular Irving Berlin song from Eliot's time. The song was called "That Mysterious Rag," only the speaker refers to "that Shakespearean Rag," perhaps alluding to his mention of The Tempest two lines above.

tgame of chess
 Thomas Middleton 의 희곡  A Game at Chess에서 차용  He also wrote another play called  Women Beware Women,  in which a game of chess represents all of the moves a man makes while cornering and seducing woman, which will come up later in "The Waste Land" in the story of the "young man carbuncular." Stay tuned.

The Tempest 
William Shakespeare의 마지막 희곡
로그인 후 추천 또는 비추천하실 수 있습니다.
포인트 1,224
경험치 85
[레벨 1] - 진행률 43%
2013-05-11 07:36:22


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